Author : komla S AGBENOSSI
One of the bravest thing a person can do, is to leave behind the people you love and set a new life with someone somewhere far away from home. This is the life that Komla S. AGBENOSSI has been living for a quite some time in America; far away from his parents. He was born to a humble couple in Gnignon Cope, which is a tiny village in Togo. Komla had always been a firm believer in God, and even though he faced a lot of hardships in his school, he never gave up. His belief was further strengthened by the people around him, who helped him in many ways. Neve afraid to back down from any new challenge, Komla went to the USA to start a new life with his wife. As he and his wife tried to set up a life there, it dawned on Komla about how difficult life could get and how to overcome it by being persistent. During this struggle, he realized that the world is rife with challenges and the number one rule of successful people everywhere is to “never give up!” and portrays the message of how never to think negatively..
Categorie: Roman d'aventures
Author: komla S AGBENOSSI